Thursday, March 21, 2019
8:45 a.m. Registration, Informal Discussion, Continental Breakfast
9:10 a.m. Introductions and Opening Comments
Dr. Michelle Meloy, Associate Dean of the Graduate School and Research, Rutgers University-Camden
9:20 a.m. Increasing Yields: Improving the Performance of Urban Farms
“Fruit and Veggie Rx: A Farmers Market-Medical Clinic Collaboration to Increase Fresh Food Access in Urban New Brunswick, New Jersey”
Lauren Errickson, Josh Gillens, Anna Levitt, Kathy Zhang, Dr. Cara Cuite, and Dr. Karen Lin (Rutgers University)
“Farm Business Incubators: Preparing the Next Generation of Small Farmers or Laying Eggs?”
Lew Bivona (Rutgers University-Camden)
“Connecting New Jersey Farmers with a Not-for-profit Culinary School to Develop New Value-Added Products: Phase One of a Feasibility Study”
Lauren Errickson, (Rutgers University), Anthony Capece (Elijah’s Promise), Dr. Ethan D. Schoolman (Rutgers University), and Dr. Virginia Quick (Rutgers University)
Moderator: Sarah DeGiorgis (Rutgers University-Camden)
Discussant: Dr. Xenia Morin (Rutgers University)
10:40 a.m. Is Urban Agriculture Evergreen? Assessing Ecological Sustainability of the Field
“Backyard Chickens to Reduce Costs of Municipal Solid Waste Management”
Maureen Breen (West Chester University)
“Material Intensity of Urban Agriculture”
Gillian Griffin (Rochester Institute of Technology)
“Safe Urban Harvests Project: Characterizing Risks from Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil, Irrigation Water, and Urban-Grown Produce from Baltimore City’s Urban Farms and Gardens”
Sara Lupolt (Johns Hopkins University)
Moderator: Tara Carr-Lemke (Rutgers University-Camden)
Discussant: Dr. Cynthia Hall (West Chester University)
12:20 p.m. LUNCH (Multi-Purpose Room, Campus Center)
Keynote Speaker: Micaiah Hall, Owner and Farmer, Free Haven Farms, Lawnside, New Jersey
1:30 p.m. Balancing the Scales? Fairness and Justice in Urban Agriculture
“Common Roots? Place, Diversity and Disparity in Northern New Jersey Community Gardens”
Priyanka Jayakodi Arachchillage (Montclair State University), and Dr. Renata Blumberg (Montclair State University)
Sustainable Community Development Through Hyperlocal Food-Based Economies”
Larissa Lai, and Samuel Pressman (Pratt Institute)
“Assessing Urban Agriculture in Baltimore: Mapping Inequalities in Baltimore’s Black Butterfly”
Jasmine Greene (University of Baltimore)
“Rooting Resistance: the Capital City Farm and the Case for Community Land”
Kate Cruz (Rutgers University–Camden)
Moderator: Dr. Joan Maya Mazelis (Rutgers University-Camden)
Discussant: Dr. Garrett Broad (Fordham University)
3:00 p.m. Closing Comments, Lessons Learned: Urban Agriculture in Camden, New Jersey (Audience Discussion)
Commentator: Dan Tarng (Rutgers University-Camden)
Discussion Facilitator: Lew Bivona (Rutgers University-Camden)
The Graduate Student Conference will take place in the South ABC Room of the Campus Center on the main campus of Rutgers University, 326 Penn Street, Camden, New Jersey.
Join us for “Undesign the Redline” – Exhibit & Dialogue with April De Simone and Braden Crooks, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.